Courses for industry newcomers
Perhaps you’re a nurse that wants to get more involved with clinical research trials. Maybe you’ve worked in another field for a while and now you’re ready to start working towards a clinical research career. Or maybe you are a marketing guru who would like to test your skills in our industry. Wherever you’re coming from, we welcome you with open arms!
臨床研究でのキャリアにより、グローバルイノベーションの最先端に立つことができます。近年は、臨床研究が私たちの現在と未来にとってどれほど重要であるかを世界に正確に示しているにすぎません。パレクセル® アカデミーは私たちの患者を私たちが行うすべての中心に置いています。飛び込んで新しいキャリアをスタートさせたい場合は、ここで私たちのプログラムについて詳しく学び、臨床研究が提供するエキサイティングな新しい機会を探ることができます。

Student Stories
Jack served as the VP of Medical Affairs at an academic hospital system. He enjoyed providing unbiased information to the hospital’s stakeholders. His role also meant carrying out objective product analysis to not only protect the hospital but also the staff and patients. As he carried out his duties, he often shared decision-making responsibility with clinical operations, specifically in regard to study budgets.
This piqued Jack’s interest in clinical research. Parexel Academy was the right choice for him to kick start a new career in clinical research, and he has now completed his Investigator Certification Program.
Does Jack’s story sound like yours? While Jack may be a fictional name, Parexel Academy has helped many students just like Jack, who have since jumpstarted a new career. Yours could be just a few weeks away.