時々、私たちは皆、物事を変える時が来たように感じる私たちの職業生活の壁にぶつかります。あなたは一人じゃない。あなたはデータ管理に飛び込みたい臨床研究員かもしれませんし、プロジェクト管理のスキルを磨きたいと思っている臨床研究看護師かもしれません。あなたの目標が何であれ、パレクセル® アカデミーには、臨床研究のキャリアの次の段階にシームレスに移行するのに役立つ適切なリソースがあります。
Student Stories
Many of our students are already in clinical research with successful careers.
Sometimes, you just need a change. Maybe your family life has changed, and you want to dedicate more time to your career. We all grow and experience new seasons in life. Maybe, instead of being a Medical Assistant, you now want to travel for work, and want to transition into being a Study Nurse. Luckily, our Foundations of Clinical Research for Study Nurses course can be completed in only five short days.
This certificate, like all Parexel Academy certificates, is recognized in the clinical research industry. Not only that, our courses offer valuable knowledge of the field that can be immediately applied in your professional life.
Don’t let your career grow stale. Take the next step with Parexel Academy.