Virtuelles Postgraduierten-Zertifikat in Clinical Trial Management
Machen Sie den nächsten Schritt in Ihrer Karriere im Bereich Clinical Trial Management mit unserem vollständig virtuellen Postgraduierten-Zertifikatsprogramm!
Über das Programm
Parexel® Academy bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, einen vollständig virtuellen Postgraduiertenkurs zu absolvieren und von internationalen Branchenspezialisten zu lernen, ohne Ihr Zuhause oder Büro verlassen zu müssen. Lassen Sie das Wissen eines der weltweit größten CROs direkt zu Ihnen kommen!
Parexel® Das Virtual Postgraduate Certificate der Academy in Clinical Trial Management bereitet Sie auf eine Karriere in der klinischen Forschung vor. Dieses vollständige Online-Programm wird über unsere Lernplattform sowie virtuelle Begegnungen mit Experten aus der ganzen Welt bereitgestellt.
Topics include: Drug Development, Ethics and Regulations of Clinical Trials, Trial Management, Clinical Logistics, Data Management, Clinical Monitoring, Industry Trends, and Professional Skills.
Programmgebühren: $3,000 (Early Bird Discount: $2500)
Dauer: 6 months
Nächstes Startdatum: February 8, 2025
Über das Programm
NEXT PROGRAM START: February 08 2025
We are thrilled to announce our revamped learning program! The New Virtual Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Trial Management is your chance to unlock your potential, broaden your horizons, and become a true industry leader!
The new program is a part-time course, delivered fully online. There are seven highly engaging modules:
- Medikamentenentwicklung
- Ethics and Regulations of Clinical Trials
- Clinical Trial Project Management
- Klinische Überwachung
- Clinical Data Management
- Clinical Supplies and Logistics
- Core Competencies of the Clinical Research Professional
The program is taught completely in English and offers participants both self-paced online learning and virtual encounters with Parexel instructors during each module.
The key features of this new program are:
- Sechs Monate in Teilzeit
- Vollständig auf Englisch unterrichtet
- Vollständiges Online-Lernen
- Virtuelle, von einem Kursleiter geleitete Schulungen, an denen Sie zu bestimmten Terminen online von zu Hause oder vom Büro aus teilnehmen
- Vollständig virtuell
- Online learning through innovative Learning Platform with fresh reading, video presentations, interactive learning modules and exercises
- Virtual instructor-led sessions for each module, where participants have the chance to interact with the trainers live through an online practice, exercise, or simulation session
- Online learning to be done throughout the module, as preparation for the virtual sessions
- Final virtual session with our experts to get insights about careers in Clinical Research and the basics of application coaching for jobs in the industry
- Graduation on-line ceremony to celebrate program completion
Für wen ist dieses Programm
- Life Science graduates
- IT, Statistics and Business graduates with relevant work experience
- Berufseinsteiger, die an einer Tätigkeit in der klinischen Forschung interessiert sind
- Fachleute aus der pharmazeutischen Industrie, die ihr Wissen über klinische Forschung vertiefen möchten
- Bewerben können sich Hochschulabsolventen ohne Berufserfahrung
Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen und -verfahren
- Mindestens Bachelor-Abschluss in Medizin, Pflege, Pharmazie, Life Sciences oder Informatik, Statistik oder BWL.
- Fließende Englischkenntnisse (entspricht C1-Niveau – keine Zertifizierung erforderlich, wenn die Kenntnisse durch Studium oder Berufserfahrung nachgewiesen wurden).
- Einreichung von Lebenslauf und Abschlusszeugnissen per Email
- Nach Einreichung der Bewerbung kann in Einzelfällen ein telefonischer Abgleich erfolgen, um die Eignung für den Studiengang oder die Sprachkenntnisse zu prüfen.
Enrollment procedures
- Participant’s eligibility is confirmed by email
- Service Agreement (contract) to be signed by Participant
- Deposit of $500USD must be pre-paid by Participant
- Remaining tuition fee to be paid following agreed personalized payment plan
Programm: Virtuelles Postgraduierten-Zertifikatsprogramm
- Global
- Englisch
- Virtuell
Programm: Virtuelles Postgraduierten-Zertifikatsprogramm
- Global
- Englisch
- Virtuell
Programm: Virtuelles Postgraduierten-Zertifikatsprogramm
- Global
- Englisch
- Virtuell
Programm: Virtuelles Postgraduierten-Zertifikatsprogramm
- Global
- Englisch
- Virtuell
Programm: Virtuelles Postgraduierten-Zertifikatsprogramm
- Global
- Englisch
- Virtuell
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wer sollte an dem Programm teilnehmen und was sind die Voraussetzungen?
- The Virtual Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Trial Management program is a part-time program aimed at working professionals who are graduates with a background in Life Sciences, Medicine and Nursing, or Information Science, Biostatistics and Business with relevant professional experience.
- Bachelor-, Master- und PhD-Qualifikationen in diesen Disziplinen werden akzeptiert.
- Bewerbungen von frischgebackenen Absolventen sind willkommen.
- Es ist keine vorherige Berufserfahrung in der klinischen Forschung oder im Management klinischer Studien erforderlich.
Wie gut müssen meine Englischkenntnisse wirklich sein?
All course materials are in English and the virtual instructor-led sessions are conducted in English.
To ensure that you enjoy your experience of the program to the fullest, and to ensure that you benefit from the input that program participants bring to the classroom, we recommend participants to have Level C1 English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent. If you do not have an English language certificate but have previously worked and/or studied in English that is fully accepted.
If you are not sure if your English level is sufficient to join the program, the Program Management staff will be able to assess that by the time a telephone cross-check is performed after you have submitted your application.
Wie wird das Programm gelehrt?
The program is made up of 7 modules including:
- Medikamentenentwicklung
- Ethics and Regulations of Clinical Trials
- Clinical Trial Project Management
- Klinische Überwachung
- Clinical Data Management
- Clinical Supplies and Logistics
- Core Competencies of the Clinical Research Professional
The modules are taught in part-time format over the course of 6 months (one module per month). Students will complete online components before getting connected online for each virtual instructor-led training sessions, which are scheduled to take place on specific dates., three times per module (two sessions every other week).
Kann ich während des Programms in meinem derzeitigen Job weiterarbeiten?
Yes. The program is designed to facilitate the participation of working students. Live sessions with our experts will be scheduled on Saturdays, and self-paced training in our e-learning platform can be reviewed and completed on your personal schedule during the assigned weeks.
The workload for the self-paced learning for each module is roughly 20 hours, plus another 2-4 hours of simulated activity for each module. Two hour virtual, instructor-led sessions will be scheduled for each module on a specified Saturday.
Wie viel Zeit muss ich für die Bearbeitung der einzelnen Module einkalkulieren (Workload)?
Approximately 20 hours should be set aside for completing the asynchronous online activities planned for each module and available at our e-learning platform. Furthermore, each module comes with virtual instructor-led sessions, consisting of two hours each and occurring on specific dates.
Please view the program calendar for exact dates.
Do I have to be connected at specific times to take part in the program?
Yes. Attendance to the virtual instructor-led sessions is mandatory. These sessions will be video-conference sessions with the trainer and other participants. During these sessions, students will participate in assigned exercises and/or live discussion of the module. Participation in at least 70% of the live sessions is required to complete the program. These sessions have a set date and time to take place, and participants should take that into consideration when planning their participation in the program.
What happens if I can’t attend a live session?
Attendance to live sessions is mandatory with a minimum participation of 70%. Parexel Academy will check attendance reports before issuing the completion certificate for the program. In the event you will miss more than 30% of the sessions, you should immediately inform your Program Manager to discuss and alternative work assignment.
Are live sessions recorded?
No. Live sessions are not recorded. The value of the live sessions comes from the real-time interaction between the instructor and students. If you are unable to attend a live session, please inform your Program Manager.
Wer wird mich unterrichten? Stehen die Trainer für Fragen zur Verfügung?
Ihre Trainer sind hochrangige Branchenspezialisten von Parexel International oder anderen CROs und stehen Ihnen per E-Mail oder während der Videokonferenzen zur Verfügung, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten.
Wie viele Studenten sind in jedem Programm eingeschrieben?
The program has a maximum of 25 participants per course. Parexel Academy will only commence with a program once 15 applicants have enrolled.
Wie bezahle ich die Studiengebühren?
Full tuition for the whole program is $3,000 USD.
Early bird discount of $500 USD will be offered to the first five registrants to sign the Service Agreement and pay their deposit of $500 to hold their place in the course.
How do I pay my tuition?
The deposit of $500 must be pre-paid within 20 days of eligibility confirmation. Details for prepayment will be included in the Service Agreement.
The remaining tuition can be paid either in a single lump sum, or divided into five equal installments to be paid monthly.
What forms of payment are allowed?
Payments must be completed via bank transfer. It is advised that participants consult with their respective banks to verify any potential costs or restrictions associated with their bank transfer process.
At this time, credit card payments are not allowed. We are only able to accept payment via bank transfer or check. More details are found in your Service Agreement.
Gibt es Fördermittel für das Programm? Gibt es Stipendien?
Parexel Academy is happy to offer a reduced tuition fee for early bird registration for the first five registrations of each class.
There are no scholarships available to cover or reduce the cost of the tuition at this time.
Wie kann ich während des Programms praktische Fähigkeiten oder Schulungen erwerben? Gibt es Möglichkeiten für Praktika?
The part-time Virtual Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Trial Management is conceived for those currently working in professional roles but looking to enter the field of Clinical Research. Given the depth of commitment necessary to meet the objectives of the program alongside the requirements of a profession, it is not planned for participants to undertake internships during the program.
Participants will be exposed to real-world simulations, practical exercises, and scenario discussions during live sessions with our experts.
Are the learning outcomes of this program transferable?
The Virtual Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Trial Management provides graduates with a thorough understanding of clinical trials. The seven-module format will produce learning outcomes that address core competencies in Clinical Research. Once put into practice they will form the basis of transferable skills and valuable knowledge for use in a role in the Clinical Research industry.
Am I guaranteed a job at Parexel after completion?
We cannot guarantee a job at Parexel upon completion of the program. However, we are confident that graduates will be competitive when applying for entry level roles in Clinical Research. Our program bridges the gap between totally inexperienced job seekers and experienced staff, who simply do not exist in sufficient quantities. In a rapidly expanding job market, this gives Parexel Academy graduates a significant advantage over candidates with no relevant knowledge or qualifications.
Welche Zertifizierung erhalte ich, wenn ich am Programm teilnehme?
After program completion (including all activities for all seven modules) participants will receive a postgraduate certificate issued by the Parexel Academy. Please bear in mind this is not an academic certificate, although it is highly regarded within the pharmaceutical industry.
Do you offer individual career coaching for participants?
No. We cannot offer individual coaching for each participant. All graduates will be invited to a group live session with our experts with a focus on applying and career coaching for jobs in the industry.
Will this program help me take the next step in my career?
Yes. The program is designed to provide participants with theoretical foundations of Clinical Research, but each module also presents important practical information. In particular, during the seventh module (“Core Competencies of the Clinical Research Professional”), learners will be presented with foundational information and training on what it takes to grow in the Clinical Research industry. A final live sessions with our experts will also be held at the conclusion of the program to allow participants to ask questions related to career advice and advancement.